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About MediaNatives

MediaNatives is both a production company and programme, bringing young people on a short project basis, giving them experience working alongside professionals towards the objective of creating an original piece of content.

The MediaNatives offering is unique: we are offering young people from marginalised backgrounds, who lack the connections or the resources to afford the traditional university, unpaid internship route into media an opportunity to break into film, TV and visual content.

Content made via the MediaNatives programme is content for young people by young people. It could based around an issue important to young people, or it could be creating a social video campaign for a brand on Instagram.

The MediaNatives programme is supported by a range of partners from the public, private and third sectors. Thanks to this generous support, we are able to genuinely change lives, providing opportunities to young people to get a foothold in a highly competitive industry that is unhealthily skewed towards those who have existing connections or the financial means to take unpaid internships.